It is worth mentioning that although I have a lot more channelled writing that I haven't put up online , it has been a good few weeks since I tried anything else.
I decided to open up and I asked for a question to be answered through writing and that it either come through my higher self or an energy. This is the result of what I got and atleast an answer to what I asked. I try not to look deeply into where it comes from, not because I'm not curious, but until I have a deeper connection and can understand more on the subtlety of the energies - I just take it as everything comes back to source, no matter how diverse, no matter how vividly diverse, we all come from the same source. This is the answer I got to the question below.
How the coronavirus Covid19 effects humanity in its physical realm aswell as us on a spiritual level.
So to begin within it is worth mentioning that what you see before you is simply a way that the earth is manifesting part of what humanity has created. It is not for humans to decide what is good or what is bad. It is a process and nothing can be expected as a result of the process except from whatever you choose to create. It is simply a way for you to understand what will happen given the time it takes for you to apply what you should or indeed could from your human experiences. I will add that it is not that you shouldn’t give in to the process unfolding before you, you should simply allow things to manifest in their own way and you should focus on what is ‘right’ for yourself, it is your own personal development within this time of global transition and it is needed to see what way is truly the way forwards that you should be taking. I can stress on how it is also a time for you to be focusing not just on yourselves but how you work as a community on all levels, including and beyond what you would consider a global community. Everything you’ve built yourselves up to, including your levels of communication allow you to build yourselves up to a level required to further yourselves as a race within the planet, it is for you to decide how you use this technology and how it in turn relates within humanity and indeed within the planet you live on the one that lets you breath the way you do and gives you the life you have. Having said that, it is important to acknowledge that this technology is not the be all and end all, it is simply a device that is allowing you to progress to where you are and if used correctly it will allow you to further your advancement, you are on the cusp of going backwards or forwards and it is up to you whether you allow such a state to happen. This virus is something which will create a multitude of reactions, it will separate people within your enlarged community, it will raise certain people up on a pedestal for the world to see, this will allow people to think in certain ways and begin to process things in different ways, nothing is again good or bad, it is simply all a way of seeing and a way of you to create a differentiation between different actions and to in turn help you advance yourselves and to advance what is all around you, the all that is. It is simply what will be that you allow yourselves to attain and in turn this will allow you to accept what is and what is not meant to be. That is always what will happen in terms of growing and evolving, certain things will have a way of growing and receding at different times and this allows a certain amount of shifting. It creates a rotating pull that stops people from falling too far from their supposed path, it helps other people see certain lessons which are beneficial to them at the right times. I have to say that it will be right for you to see what has happened only at the right time and for your advancement to have a certain way of coming to the surface for other people to in turn learn their lessons. It has to be looked at from both a global and from a personal perspective as this in itself is always a reflection of consciousness at this time. I will say that it has to happen within a certain way for people to actually allow themselves the chance to grow and it has to be seen to happen to different people at different times. This again allows reflection to what is the biggest shift you have ever seen within humanity at this point in 'time’. There is nothing much more needed to add at this time except that I would like to say on request from blake who it is who is contacting with this message at this time, I technically have several names but it is only for you to understand that this is a strand of several parts of consciousness coming through that are involved as a group. This group is known as and are indeed a part of, are known as the ra group, this may seem strange to you as I understand that you have only come across this group online and it has seemed dubious to you. I want to add that we are part of a system that doesn’t reside within your galaxy, in fact we are part of a different solar system that focuses on different elements including those of helping mankind and it’s advancement, it’s easy for you to see that this is one way in which we can come across to help but there is many other ‘job’s that we have and are part of growing within the multiverse. I am here to help with this message for you at this time and it is important to note that I am not here to stay, merely to assist you at this time and as I am called upon. Please hope to understand that what you do now is up to you and that you can help to give out what is needed to the world at this time, are you aware that what it is that is needed is going to come from a multiplicity of beings and you are one part of that aspect within humanity, being one of the species in which this will come from. It is within consciousness that this part of what is happening occurs, without time being present it is just an aspect of what has and already will occur, you are just part of that experience in the physical realm of making things a possibility and a lived experience. Thankyou for your cooperation and I would like to leave my blessing with you and finish this transcript so to speak. Blessings on all and I bid you a farewell. That is all, that is Ra. ...Give it a moment and it will become as normal.