I always seem to want to start my posts/updates with Well... Maybe this comes from wellbeing, wellness, or just, a well, once a vital part of any community. Well... This blog is only being brought into existence, to allow those who resonate with it to perhaps further their own journey of discovery. It is not for everyone, nor would I expect it to be. It is hopefully going to couple well (there it is again) with the youtube channel I am slowly starting. Although, this blog has come about because of something I am starting to experience. Something that will intrigue, irate and trigger some people. I have from a young age had different experiences with spirit. I can't remember a lot of my younger childhood, something that I wonder maybe to do with a past trauma or perhaps a past life. Although from my early teens I have had experiences that have opened me up to what is the spirit world. Some of these experiences have been shared, others very much on my own. Now it is something about having those experiences at a young age that maybe there is still a part of you that has not been run in by our physical experiences, because you just take them for what they are, an experience. It wasn't until I was in my mid - late teenage years that I began to question them as to what they might actually be. When I was 18, my best friend died of a brain tumour, two in fact, he spent a year fighting one form to then be cleared of it but found to have another, it wasn't long after this that he went down hill at a fast rate. I was very blessed to be with him and his family when he passed. We used to live opposite each other whilst growing up, even before that I ran into him as a kid before we were in the same school, same swimming lessons, and I used to go to a child minder (oh to be young) who lived next door to where he was living at the time. You could say we were intricately linked. He was a brother to me, and perhaps in a past life that's what he was at one stage. Why do I say this? Because it was through this happening that I was thrust onto the path of where I am today. Still learning and growing, but safely rocketing forwards into the present future. It was also after he passed that I can safely say that I had my first experience to which I can place a spirit, his spirit. It was not long after his passing, I was unhappily mopping in my room all day, and throughout the day all I could comprehend was there being a 'presence' there. This grew throughout the day, so much so, the intensity of it was quite unreal, I didn't feel myself. Not knowing what to do I tried to sleep, eventually I did - only to be woken a couple of hours later. The first thing I noticed, and indeed what woke me up was again this feeling, except it had grown tenfold, to the point that I was at a point of panic, all of me was experiencing this, every nerve ending, all my senses. I turned on the light, and sat in my bed, in one sense unable to move, everything was electrifying. Eventually, once my energies were on meltdown I ran out of the room shouting and indeed crying to my mum (safe to say I haven't really told anyone this). After a time of jabbering and explaining, and allowing my mum to wake up and try to follow my erratic train of thought, she said to me; 'if you don't want it to be there then tell it to go away'. Well... I did, and I think the moment I did, two things happened. The first, it left - fairly quickly. The second, I realised who it was. During the whole experience, it was never malicious, nor was it aggravating or did I feel endangered. What I did feel was myself, and my senses alight. I felt his presence, not that I recognised him, or allowed myself a chance to - but I felt his energy and the urgency of his being there. I cried after he left. It was after this experience that I went to visit a medium. Given that I was very sceptical over the idea of a medium, not at what they could do but at the validity of the evidence they could bring across. I went in, no jewellery, no giveaways at all to who I was, dressed as bland as could be. I came out in tears. What was confirmed to be happened in the most genuine manner possible. I had things told to me about past experiences with my friend that no one else knew of. Of course at the time it was a statement of validity, proof I needed to steer my course. On and off over the years to come I had different experiences in and of themselves as well as of spirit, good and not so good, all necessary for the part of me I was at the time. I do feel I had to explain that experience to give people an understanding of what pushed me onto the path I'm on now. Fast forward to the present moment, I now attend a mediumship development circle, something that I hope to offer to people in all good time. But what I have really made this blog for - and it may not stay the same and may well evolve - but it will be 'whacky' enough... (if the above isn't already out of some people's comfort zones) I was advised to start spiritual writing, from another medium, essential like automatic writing. I went in with no expectancies and came out slightly confused and laughing at my ridiculous self articulating ego, or so I thought.
I now know I have to share this for people to see, to help give guidance and messages,
and I invite you to come on this journey with me. For what I am learning from this is not just for my eyes only, it is for everyone to gleam from it what they will to help with their own spiritual journeys, to the understanding of who we are, as well as the understanding of why we are here. It's also important to recognise I am putting myself up for 'review' I don't expect to edit anything, hold back information or embellish it in anyway. This is as much to check that I am indeed not crazy as I have wondered, or if it is not just coming from myself. And if it is, then it's important to remember that this is all an experience in itself, it has come to reality, whether from spirit, my higher self, or the very less than likely 'ego'. It has to be understood that we are all at different parts of our journeys, and indeed, the world as we know it now is at an exciting time. It may not seem it at times, in fact it might seem quite the opposite to some, but if we allow ourselves to stay open and to stand in our own power, from the heart; we will only come to the highest part of ourselves and to who we already are. This has been an introduction to the introduction.
I do not expect everyone to want to understand what I will be posting, all I ask is that you stay open and use discernment not judgement.
Love and Omni <3 Namaste