Topic of Love | Channeling my Higher self
I decided to ask Higher self if there was any particular topic they would like to talk about, and they came up with the topic of love <3 This is only a glimpse into the power of what love is but I’m happy that this has been shared. I hope you all enjoy the message!
‘I would like to talk about the topic of love, for love is all, love is what makes the universe go round and it is this that has the overarching power to grow consciousness.
It is what makes the law within consciousness for it is all, you must understand that love is a way of transmitting all that is.
To define love is to define life, it is simply all encompassing, for it is with love that you understand other emotions and other ways of being for love encompasses all, love is all to be understood that it encompasses other emotions such as fear and hate; not to be misunderstood that these are on two ends of the spectrum so to speak, for these are self limiting in one aspect but it is also through these that you find your way into falling for love, for through understanding and proaching what are these other so called negative emotions you have a deeper understanding of what is love, love goes further than what you would understand it to be, the emotions that are attached to it are not just that but it is the energy that also has a big part to play with this, it is in fact a bigger part than the emotion that is expressed, you would not necessarily understand the finer points, not the finer points, the limit and the range of which this love is all encompassing for it is the bigger collective of consciousness.
You will find that love in itself is not expressionate unless you give it life for it is the life in which you can create and bring out this love, the love in which rules the universe so to speak, this is what is and will always be it is for this, for you to understand and you to make of it what you will, it is part of what is and I would like to add with this love you have a bigger understanding into what can be and what will be, you must know that to become closer to what is within this. You must first understand how it is connecting and how it does in fact form like a web around all that is.
I would say that it begins with what you know and what you understand, although this in fact is not part or limited to that, for you must know that the love that you see is only part of what is and it is I have mentioned on a much grander scale for it allows everything to be all encompassing.
You must understand that love isn’t limited to the planet, it goes above and beyond what you know, it is through this representation that you will have some knowledge of what love is but in fact it goes much deeper and to even say deeper is an understatement of what is. For in fact what is, is simply all that there is.
I feel that it is time to understand what love has and the relevance of it for your planet, it is a resonance in which you can encompass into your life and through it create what is reality for understanding that love not only influences all of what is, but on a finer aspect it is through this that creation unfolds. Your creativity is simply a way in which you can form reality and through this you encompass all of what is within love, you may only access part of what it is but it is through this that you unfold and develop and learn to encompass this, to try to explain in a finer way, love is more like a road in which you will follow and you give it and feed it what is needed to follow it further, you are simply emboldening what is there and allowing it to flourish, you are the creation of love for you are all, this should be understood in a wider way for it is through this that you can indeed manifest all that there is. It is through this that you can manifest all that is.
I feel that now is the time for us to be parting, and it is with this that I have only given a glimpse of what is in love and what it does to play a part within all that is. I give thanks for your role in participating during this talk, please give thanks for all that is and understand that it is your development in kind which allows you to flourish and if you allow love to enter and become you then you will further all that is and in fact flourish within this life and all of life. Give thanks for everything that you are encompassed within for this is all that you have and this is only part of what is. Thank you and blessings upon all. That is all.’ Love and Omni <3 Namaste