'True Growth'
Spiritual Community
Launching Soon
This community is for those who want to join a conscious community that helps each other to realise their True Self, find their purpose, power and fulfilment through following the conscious call to serve. This is a supportive community which is about coming together and helping each other to grow and evolve.
The community is focused around:
Pattern Breaking & ego disillusion
True Self realisation
Opening to Inspired action & purpose
Developing the Mind Body & Spirit
In the community I offer:
Interactive Weekly Group Classes - Live & Recorded
Monthly Meditation Sessions
Core development practice
Free Courses
Dedicated and supportive community group
Archive of past videos and sessions.
What is offered above may well change organically and is not set in stone, this allows fluidity for the community to grow and for it to constantly reevaluate the needs of the community as a conscious collective.

Please contact blakerayeley@hotmail.com if you are looking to join a supportive community like this.
Use the headline 'COMMUNITY'.